“Everything I Really Need to Know About Life & Work, I Learned Playing Softball, Exploring Alice in Wonderland, and Feasting on the Film Fantasia”.
Integrated Marketing Communications or IMC for short, demands thinking strategically across a broad spectrum of communication areas and this requires a core competence in marketing communications. IMC provides a strategic method for both establishing and maintaining relationships with stakeholders over time. IMC is a process that involves strategic message coordination across departments, units, functions, up, down, and across all areas of an organization including the C-Suite. In short, IMC requires the adoption that THE WHOLE IS GREATER THAN THE SUM OF ITS PARTS. There are three key components to the IMC model: Message Consistency, Interactivity, and Mission Marketing. But how? Below you’ll find a visualization of the process I led along with our leadership team, to implement the IMC way to transform the internal culture at the Arlington Heights Park District.